9:00am - 5:00pm MT: Includes lunch and Fusatsu Ceremony
4:00pm - 5:00 pm MT: Fusatsu Ceremony
9:30pm – Midnight MT: New Year’s Midnight Zazen
Bring in the New Year with a clear mind and clear intention. The New Year’s Zazenkai includes a Fusatsu Ceremony (Atonement Ceremony). Optional meditation is available for those who wish to sit through midnight.
During the New Years Zazenkai, the Fusatsu Ceremony will take place from 4:00pm to 5:00pm. Non retreatants are welcome to join for this ceremony. The Fusatsu Ceremony is a ceremony of renewing one's vows and making atonement; this is a cleansing in preparation of the new year. In some monasteries, this ceremony is done monthly. There will be a chanting service with many full prostrations or standing bows. No registration necessary.
Join part-time or full-time, in-person or virtually.
A meal at lunch will be provided by GMZC for in-person participation. The meal is vegan and gluten free, other than some items which are served on the side such as bread and hard-boiled eggs. If you have specific dietary restrictions beyond this, please bring food for yourself. We have some refrigerator space you can use if needed.
Please make your own dinner arrangements.
Use this link to join: https://zoom.us/j/373766642
Dec. 31: Register for New Year's Zazenkai